
Training Division

Language and Communication Skills

‘Communication’ is not a word any longer but an industry in itself; and here we present some insights on its current status.

Human communication started from the primitive ‘onomatopoeic’ sounds that we used to utter in the pre-historic times to communicate with each other, then came the phonemes and syllables at a very later stage as our brain size & function expanded to enable us to bring about these changes in our utterances. In 3200 BC, Iraq saw the first signs of writing, a structure in the form of ‘alphabets’ was discovered from Lebanon & Israel dated to 1600 BC, the first paper has been thought to originate in China in 200 BC, and since then we as a human race have never looked back.

The further inventions of the printing press to satellite communication have enabled humans with such ease of communication that was not even dreamt of as possible a few hundred years ago. And, today we are discussing, writing, listening to, reading, and thinking in 7,117 languages across the world, out of which 25 languages account for about 60% of the most used languages.

Herein, lies the importance of ENGLISH language as a medium of communication that cuts across all boundaries of nations, disciplines, generations, ethnicity, or culture, and brings everyone on a common platform to delight in, and wonder at the marvels that surround us. It binds us with our surroundings and to each other, assisting us in expressing ourselves aesthetically to everyone. The communication revolution truly redefined people’s way of gathering information and communication goes rapidly to every corner of the world. E-mails, Twitter, Facebook, Skype, and many other social media networks brings people together with just a click. Business partners now can make deals with potential buyers living on the other side of the world within seconds. Family members can virtually be united and celebrate important dates together. A patient suffering from a rare disease might get help and a diagnosis from other doctors that he/she might have never seen before. With USA’s leading economy booming and the rise of the political power in the 20th century and the traditional English language left around world by the British Empire, the world language shifted quickly to English in the 21st century. It soon made lots developing countries realize that if you want to benefit from globalization, people need to be able to speak English, as the common language to communicate, negotiate and help the rest of the world.

We at KIET Group of Institutions promote the use of ‘English – the Global Language’, in our academic & non-academic activities and we have partnered with reputed organizations like Cambridge Assessment English & Pearson Education for assessing our students on the Global Scale of English and Common European Framework of Reference to place our students based on their proficiency. The institute also assists the interested students in gaining the internationally recognized Business English Certificate (BEC-Prelims/BEC-Vantage), as per their proficiency level to make them ready & suitable for effective workplace communication.